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Our Staff



Miss L Forster 

Vice Principal


Mrs H Lawder



P1 Mrs C Ashe

P1 Miss N Dean

P1 Mrs L Donald / Miss A Johnston

P2 Mrs H Lawder

P2 Miss E Leandro

P2 Mrs L Caddoo

P3 Mrs S Ashfield/ Mrs C Shine

P3 Mrs J Jordan

P3 Mrs M Mitchell

Senior Leadership Team


Mrs L Caddoo 

Mrs C Ashe

Mrs M Mitchell 

Classroom Assistants


Miss K Killough

Mrs A Montgomery

Mrs H Moore

Mrs D Stanfield 

Mrs R Wilson

Mrs L Moloney

Mrs R McAdam

Miss L McMillan

Mrs M Groves

Ms L McMillan

Mrs J Wallace


Caretaker - Robert Wilgar

Nursery Mrs K Bonner

Learning Support Co-ordinator  Mrs E McDowell

School secretary  Mrs V Leitch

We are a Nerve partnership school

Website by Wholeschool 2023


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