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Principal's Welcome

As the principal of Greenwood Primary School and Nursery Unit I would like to welcome you to our website. Whether you are already part of our school community or an interested member of the wider community, we hope that you will find our website informative and interesting.


Greenwood offers education for children from the ages of three to seven in Nursery and Years 1, 2 and 3 of primary school. This very special context enables us to focus on the early years, providing our children with a wide and balanced curriculum and varied learning experiences. Our pupils are at the heart of all we do. Greenwood has a strong sense of community with teachers, parents, governors and all staff working as a team to create an ethos where everyone is valued and each child’s needs are paramount. As such we are a happy school with children who are motivated and enthusiastic about all aspects of their school life.


As much as our website will give you an overview of life in Greenwood it cannot really give you a complete feel for our ethos and atmosphere. Therefore, I would encourage you to contact the school if you would like further information or would like to visit us.


Best regards


Lindy Forster



We are a Nerve partnership school

Website by Wholeschool 2023


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